JBOX token is highly secured based on the integrity of the platform we are operating on, when using our token, you don’t have to worry, you are very safe. JBOX token is secured by a cryptographic blockchain network similar to Crypto running on a delegated ethereum blockchain.
Jbox is an Ethereum base token with 200 Million initial supply but the supply will be increased because of proof of watch and proof of upload, JBOX coins sold 100 million JBOX token during Initial coin Offer ( ICO) while 30 million token earmarked for the company will be used for marketing, promotions, paying up bounty after the ICO to ensure liquidity. Also, a reserve of another 70 million tokens will be made for the team which will be locked for a year.
At this stage one, the proof of watch and Proof of Upload 1 JBOX token will give you 1jcent, and the maximum supply of JBOX coin will be 4 billion token. This supply will be split into two, 2 billion token for Proof of Watch and the other 2 billion for proof of Upload JBOX app will be used to mine JBOX token through watching videos; the learning procedure here is structured so that 20seconds video makes 1jcent (POWatch), and also every 1 view per video makes 1 Jcent (POUpload). But it should be noted that before anyone can upload any video he/she must have $50 worth JBOX token and the video has to be his own content before you can earn POupload. And you only earn a new Jcent on videos you haven’t watched before.
As you know, you watch videos on JBOX and earn, in the crypto world it’s called mining. That means as you watch any video on JBOX you are mining JBOXCOIN. This is the smartest market penetration strategy.
One of such strategies is that as the users use our JBOX app (Apps will be available as a web app, IOS & Android) watch movie/videos they will be earning 1Jcent for 20seconds for every movie/video they watch and this will directly go into their wallet. Users are only allowed to earn this 1jcent for 20seconds on new movies/videos that they haven’t watched. And also as the creators that upload movie/videos on jbox movie app their coin will be generated based on the users watching the videos they uploaded. The procedure is that before you can upload any video or movie you need to have at least $50 worth of JBOX token in your wallet. Also, while uploading the movies/videos the owner of the movie should note that nothing will be deducted from their token.
Equally, JBOX will give room for advertisers to place their video advert on our JBOX app. When this happens, the subscriber will have the access to watch advertiser’s videos and still earn JBOXcoin. Furthermore, we will share adverting revenue with the video.
Advertisers will pay for their advert with JBOX token and this will cause more demand for JBOX token. We are expecting billions of dollars from advertis revenue alone. Notably, advertisers will get more conversion for their mon because JBOX community are willing to watch videos. So whether you are creator or subscriber, it is certain you will make money with JBOX token. Th will become a reality when we open the room for adverts in the JBOX app enabli the creator to start earning adverting revenue.
We plan to have our internal exchange where our users can trade jbox to btc or Eth and also users can also withdraw in fiat currency after mining in the platform and with a minimal withdrawal fee.
Jbox team has decided to come back with a full force and aggressive marketing strategy, we have decided to buy back at least 60% of our tokens for better market growth and also increase jbox market value.
- STAGE 1: 10,000,000 Jbox is needed to be mined for this stage to be completed 1Jbox,20 Seconds video makes 1 Jbox during this time we expect the price of Jbox to have increased
- STAGE 2: 20,000,000 Jbox is needed to be mined for this stage to be completed. For this stage it will be 20 seconds of vidoe make 1 Jcent (0.1). After 20m JBOX coin mined it will incrased
- STAGE 3: 30,000,000 1jbox by this period of time would be 1.000 JBOX once the
JCENT Subscribers community mine 30million Jbox token. Difficulty will increase.
- 10,000 Jcent makes 1 Jbox,1views makes 1 Jcent. If the total video creator community has been able to mine 20,000,000 JBOX the difficulty will increase
- At this stage 1,000,000 Jcent makes 1Jbox once the video creator community mine 20million Token the difficulty will increase
- 10,000,000 Jcent makes 1 JBOX once the creator community mine 30 million JBOX difficulties will increase.
From stage 1-3, it will take 268 years before the entire total JBOX token will be mined, these calculations are based on the statistics we got from YouTube. This will amount to over 5billion hours if the videos are played everyday. Beyond that, we will also be having many other projects that will attract a lot of partnership deals that will buy the company further and add great values on stakeholders’ investment. The added advantage is that while mining is going on the subscriber can watch live sports, news, entertainment, movies and many more with JBOX mining app and JBOX decoder.
All these calculated activities and benefits will make the value of JBOX sky rocket within a short period of time. Our study has shown that the Cryptocurrency market capitalization will amount to trillion dollars . We are going to make data accessible and cheap to the developing and underdeveloped countries in the world so that they can make use of JBOX token to pay for this data, which will be unlimited and very fast with high display. (MORE Demand/Value to Jbox token) You see holding JBOX is a ‘win’ ‘win’ option for all. This is the next big thing. The big thing is already here with us. We are together in this journey of tested success and wealth creation.