We are currently in an era where Impossibility is no longer A bone of contention for Certain people only if you believe in your dreams “JBOXCOIN” Is an Evidence to that fact! With an aspiration to be among the top-ranked coin in the cryptocurrency space we aspire to achieve these dreams through our unique and gigantic project “JBOX App” A decentralized Blockchain video streaming Application design to give consumers A huge sense of value for their leisure time through A well Augmented dual mining process (POU & POV) this App is designed to reward (token)user for uploading and Streaming (view) videos of all varieties on the Jbox platforms.(1jcent) is the incentive A user gets from viewing any kind of video every 20seconds,jcent is automatically sent into the users cryptographic wallet, also as A video creator similar process also apply to you, A video creator is rewarded by the amount of view accumulated by the video content uploaded.We are staging our Initial coin offering(ICO) on the 8th day of November 2017 , A total of 100million token will be in circulation for sale on the ICO platform at reasonable cost at $0.2 , The JBOX app is an Ethereum blockchain base edifice so investor will need to purchase the JBOXcoin from an Ethereum base platform (myetherwallet.com),we have been currently endorsed by major ICO Calendars site’s e.g ICO watch list, ICO Alert and many more to come.for more info kindly refer to the official website: www.jboxcoin.org and read the white paper telegram channel:https://t.me/jboxcoin

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